لا تقتلي قلباً أحبك كالمجنون
وتلقي روحاً تجاوزت لأجلك كل الظنون
فالحب ماهو لعبةٌ رابحٌ فيها أو مهزوم
الحب قلبٌ تملؤه المشاعر والجنون
إن كان بيدك إحرسيه بالعيون
وإن أضعته ستبكي عليه ليالٍ وشهور
لا تتركي قلباً عاش لأجلك كل العهود
من نظرةٍ أولى أشعل قلبك بنارٍ حنون
ولا تطعني قلباً بخنجر تنزف منه السموم
فالحب أسمى من أن يجرح
أو يقهر بألمٍ مسكون
وإن كانت لديك فرصة لا تتركي الباب مقفول
فالحب إن طرق بابك
سوف تعيشي في القصور وقصة حبٍ سوف تنشر
عن حبٍ عاش ولن يزول


ok here is something that really pisses me off......

i know that people grow up in a society where you have "Men" and
"Women", where the women are submissive to their men and have no say
when it comes to big decisions. They are born into this world to have
children, raise them, cook, take care of the house and their husbands
and keep quiet....

i know we've come a long way from there but that mentality still
exists today in our society and is just, how should i put this, ......

i dont understand why we have to take that and put it in everything
around us....

the other day i was with my psychologist, yes i see a psychologist and i
honestly think everybody should!!!! so i was saying, i was talking to
him and he asked me if i were more into the "femme" genre or the
"butch" genre..... i didnt get what he meant and that because, for me,
i grew up in a society where you were either straight or gay. i didnt
make the difference between femme and butch, i just had the homosexual
concept in my head

i think it is just another way to categorize things, butch being what
the world know as "man" and femme what people know as "woman".

all that just makes me sick.....

i believe that we, and by we i mean all women; straight, bi, lesbians,
all women are both femme and butch.

femme and butch are just 2 concepts the first to describe the feminine
side of the woman and the second to describe the more "manly" side

i believe that all women are feminine and butch. Even if you are
overweight or that you have a very manly look or body. its not in the
looks, its in how you act and how you think.

all women are feminine. when you see a baby and go "aaaaawwwwww" you
are feminine. when you are with your friends and compliment them on
their look, you are feminine. when you hug your friend and cuddle, you
are feminine. when you close your eyes when you kiss your loved one,
you are feminine.

all women, at some point, are butch. when you find yourself standing
up for yourself, when everything is going against you, you are butch.
when you have to take care of yourself and your loved ones you are
butch. when you get into fights and you shout your lungs out to make a
point and be heard, you are butch.
it is bad enough that we are subject to discrimination in our society,
we dont need that in our community, we need to stand up for ourselves
and forget all about the stereotypes we grew up with and start living
in a healthier world.

Bi and Proud

i spend my nights sometimes wasting my time thinking about human nature: the basis of our existence, the nature of our behavior and our core values. And it makes me wonder, how did we get to a point where hurting the others was acceptable, natural and inevitable. We got to a point where we expect nothing more than the worst in people.
We’re always waiting for that moment where the other stabs us in the back holds us down or simply walk away in order to say: “Aha! I knew you were gonna hurt me!”
Why?! Why did we stop believing in people?! Why did we give up on each others?!
I look at myself now and I wonder who my real friends are?! What is a friend by definition?
Well, to me a friend is someone who is there without needing to ask him to be. A friend is someone who won’t mind coming over on a Saturday night and just hanging out on your couch watching DVDs. A friend is someone who will call you when he gets caught by his parents sneaking out of the house at 3 am and laughing his head off. A friend is someone you can call at 5 am just so that you could break your own loneliness. A friend is someone who will hop in the car right next to you, when he knows from experience that you drive like a crazy maniac. A friend is someone you can count on to have your back even when the fault is most likely yours.
A friend is simply there to be as crazy as you are, as supportive as humanly possible, as understanding as you need him to be.
Who are our real friends in that case?
Better yet, are we good friends to the people who honored us with that title?
Somewhere along the way we lost the true deep meaning of friendship, we took for granted the people who stood by us, we ignored those who rightfully needed us! We sold out!
Friendship is the gift you give yourself! Why is it that we find it easy to hurt the people who depend on us? Why do we see the need to gossip and spill out their secrets? How come we don’t mind selling out on them and exchanging them for anyone that came along?!
Why do we give up on people so easily?!
We are a bunch of people connected to each other by a common ground. However relationships were build on Meem’s grounds. Friendships, love, businesses, families… we can’t throw these gifts just like that! We have to learn to treasure them. It’s not every day that you find people you can relate to as much as our little family. These people are the ones who are going to stand by us when the tide of society tries to wave us away. we need each other, and it’s time we learnt how to be good to each other.


I feel I lost everything
Living my life for nothing

I have nothing attached to, specially my spirituality
And to gain it again, I really don’t have the ability

I feel that God will never forgive me
This is not what he wanted me to be

I had kind of humanity
I lost it out of stupidity

At the same time, my best therapist just had a vacation
While I was living 2 weeks of depression

From the day I said bye
I was never high

How can I when I am not feeling her inside?
When she goes for a vacation, I feel as if she left me a side

Logically, I understand she needs it
But emotionally I can not accept it even a bit

I feel so lonely without her
I really miss her

She is everything I have
With her I feel so brave

To stay alive
And happily to survive

1 week past as 2 month
Where I cannot open my mouth

And say I am sad
Which made me live a hard time in my bed

Not being able to sleep
Calling you so deep

For 18 hours a day
Until I believed the last time was the last goodbye

Now, I am crying deeply
Waiting for tomorrow fearfully

But whatever happens I want to thank you
And say one last thing:” till the last breath in my life I love you”


Behind the door we meet
Away from people's looks
Behind the door grows a love
Strong and quite unique

Locked away it remains
For years with no end
Stuffed quite undercover
Where no one can see it

The closet is dark and dry
Yet humid and cold too
There's light sneaking in
From its smallest hole

The reflection we see
Of lovers walking past us
Painfully strikes home
Bulletproofing our hearts

It's too crowded in here
Baby I'm stepping out
Take my hand and you know
We can face this world



Posted by Meem | 09:00 | , , , | 0 comments »

rain! on the land of beauty
rain! wash the anger of my heart
rain! clear the feelings to me
rain! so the sun can shine even more
rain! there is nothing beautiful than the sky's eyes
I am crying like the sky, pouring my pain away
because the sun will shine tomorrow
and see the beauty of the pain fading away
I am smiling right now
I am smiling to tomorrow, because it is a better day
I am smiling to tomorrow, because I'll see her beautiful face
I am smiling to tomorrow, because I'll hear the word i wanna hear
I am thankful to the rain, because its washing my pain away.


وهكذا تبدأ قصة حبٍ
بأملٍ جامحٍ يعشق الجنون
تسافر الأحلام على ظهر الغيوم
وتغرق العيون ببحر العيون
والقلب يدق والروح تحوم
والجسد يرقص رقصة النسور
وتدق ساعة النصر المحتوم
ويغرق القلب والروح الحنون
بمشاكل الحب والقهر المظلوم
فقصة العشق ما هي تدوم
إلا بموت الأحباب تكون
لكن الحب دوماً يكون
نسراً يحلق فوق النجوم
وقمراً يضيء أضواء العيون
والجسد إن مات
القلب يدوم
والحب في القلب دائماً مسكون


She walked into my life
Like a queen would only do
And so this time around
The fairy tale came true

In the midst of it all
She looked right in my eyes
So the world disappeared
The second she took me miles

It took long rainy days
And endless nights of pain
For the perfect rainbow
To sneak in after the rain


قاومي كُلّ الحواجز
إقطَعي كُلّ الخُطوط
وحرِّري كُلَّ القُيود
قطَعتي مَسافَةً لا تُستَهان
وكسَرتي حَبل المصاعِب
وجعَلتي مُستقبَل المرأه
مُستقبَلاً يدعو للإفتِخار
تابِعي طَريق النضال
حاربي كُلَّ الجِبال
فالحَقُّ بين يديكِ
ولو كانَت الطريق طويله
فالمسافه ليست المُراد
بل حَقُّك ِ في العيش كريمه
هو حَقٌّ يستَحِقُّ الجِهاد


Posted by Meem | 16:37 | , , , | 1 comments »

تحومي حول نفسك في دوامة حزنك
في قلبك جرحٌ عميق يبحث عن من يشفي جرحه
مكسورة الجناح تسيرين
تتخبطين في داخلك، وترفضين الحياة
ابتسامه خاطفة، ابتسامه حزينة
حتى الابتسامه باتت خطيئة
تريدين الخروج إلى هذه الحياة
تريدين تنشق هواء الحريه
صوتك مازال يختنق
حرقة قلب تهتف بأعلى صوت أريد أن أعيش
لماذا تكونين سجينة نفسك
لماذا تكونين سجينة دمعك وحزنك
لن تبقي تبكي وتحزني
فجري غضبك، اصرخي بأعلى صوت
بصوت فيه كبرياء وكرامة وقوة جبارة
أريد أن أعيش، أريد أن اختار
أريد حريتي وكرامتي، وعنفواني